Available courses

In this introductory level course for learners, you will be introduced to Moodle and some of its basic features.

Self-paced trainings designed to help individuals master MATLAB. The trainings include hands-on exercises that allows users to apply the concepts they learn directly within MATLAB. Users receive a certificate upon completion a course.

Business management courses are ideal for anyone wanting to get a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in the business world. As a distance learning qualification, a course such as the Higher Certificate in Business Management from Adapt  Business School gives you an overview of business management theory as well as practice.

This course is ideal for those who wish to pursue a career within business related fields, as well as those wanting to expand their skills within their current careers. It is also excellent for small business owners and entrepreneurs who wish to learn more about running a business from a financial, marketing and management point of view.

Key focus areas of this course are as following:

  • Learn how to apply the fundamental principles of business within a real-world working context;
  • Learn how to analyse and implement financial data for effective decision making;
  • Learn how to use financial management tools to obtain and manage resources;
  • Learn how to use communications and IT systems for better communication;
  • Learn how to recognise major success factors when running small businesses
  • Learn how understand the role of entrepreneurs and their role within small business;
  • Learn how to create and plan marketing strategies for optimal business growth.

7 Types of Plastic Used in Food Packaging - Capital Resin

This course module aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of produce packaging techniques for effective postharvest management of agricultural crops. The course will cover topics such as packaging materials, design considerations, storage conditions, transportation, and quality control. Students will learn about the role of packaging in minimizing postharvest losses, maintaining product quality, and extending shelf life. Practical case studies and hands-on activities will be included to enhance students' problem-solving skills and critical thinking in the field of produce packaging.

This course is designed for engineering and technology students conducting postgraduate research work on engineering and technology projects. The objective of the course is to translate current research methods, which are mostly from a social science perspective, into something more relatable and understandable to engineers and technologists.

This course addresses principles of produce packaging including packaging functions and requirements, types of packaging materials, modified atmosphere packaging, shelf life and safety among other relevant topics. The course is offered through a blended experience (face-to-face and online) involving theory, demonstrations and hands-on experiences along.

At the completion of the course participants will:

      • Understand packaging functions and requirements to select packaging materials and/or packaging systems for several agricultural produce categories.
      • Be familiar with the gamut of packaging materials including environmentally friendly packaging systems.
      • Gain knowledge on various technologies used in food packaging to extend the shelf life of farm produce.

Packaging in agriculture - ClassNotes.ng

This course module aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of produce packaging techniques for effective postharvest management of agricultural crops. It will cover topics such as materials, design considerations, storage conditions, transportation, and quality control. Practical case studies and hands-on activities will be included to enhance problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the role of packaging in reducing postharvest losses.
  • Select the appropriate packaging materials and design for a given produce crop.
  • Evaluate the impact of packaging on the environment.
  • Apply the principles of produce packaging to real-world problems.

International Comparative Research on Vocational Education and Training –  Research – Department of Teacher Education - NTNU

This course covers issues and methods of reseach in vocational and technical education.


This course is designed to equip students with the essential teaching methods and strategies used invocational and technical education. The course emphasizes the development of practical skills and the effective integration of theoretical concepts in delivering quality vocational and technical education. Students will learn various instructional methods and techniques, assessment and evaluation strategies, curriculum development, and classroom management.

This course empowers PhD students in Industrial Technology Education to leverage information and communication technologies (ICT) for cutting-edge research, data-driven decision-making, and innovative pedagogical practices. Participants will gain expertise in computational data processing, data management, and software applications relevant to their field. Hands-on experience and practical projects will be emphasized throughout the course.

Introduction and orientation to the field of metal. Basic technical information and laboratory work in metal processes and fabrication. This includes work in the areas of welding, forging, foundry, sheetmetal, and metal machining. A variety of projects will be made to demonstrate the different processes.